Jay Leno: “President Obama invited trick-or-treaters to the White House Saturday night. And very scary party they had. They sat in a circle, turned off all the lights and the kids read the President his poll numbers.”
Jay Leno: “Well, Rick Perry unveiled his new tax plan. He feels the tax code should be simple, you know, like he is. Very simple.”
Conan O’Brien: “Herman Cain is having to respond to claims that he once sexually harassed women. Did you hear that? Apparently a German woman kept telling him ‘Nein, nein, nein!”
Stephen Colbert: “I will get right to the big news. Herman Cain is under attack. … Of course, when you’re top in the polls, the media digs through your past. It’s not fun but it beats being John Huntsman. No one’s even digging through his present.”
Jimmy Fallon: “President Obama gave candy to trick-or-treaters at the White House. Obama wanted people to like his costume, so he went as himself from 2008.”
Stephen Colbert: “These decades-old allegations against Cain are just an attempt to distract us from what a great President he would be. Cain understands domestic issues because he had experience selling pizza. And he understands international issues because pizza is Italian.”
Jay Leno: “It’s starting to get nasty in the Republican campaign. Herman Cain’s top aide has accused Rick Perry’s campaign of being behind all those stories about the sexual harassment stuff. I don’t know. Do you think that’s true? Does Rick Perry look like he’s smart enough to pull something like that off?”
Jimmy Fallon: “President Obama just went to the G-20 summit to give Europe advice on its debt crisis. Wait, Europe is getting economic advice from Obama?”
Stephen Colbert: “Now Europe, if I may, a little advice. When borrowing from the Chinese it is polite to send them a thank you gift. Perhaps all of your manufacturing jobs.”