Some may be familiar with a frequent guest to Conan’s show in the 90s: “Bill Clinton” as a talking picture. Similar to The Onion’s Joe Biden character, this Bill Clinton is a wild fun-lovin’ southern boy out to have a bitchin’ good time. From the mastermind Robert Smigel, also known for Triumph the Insult Comic Dog and many other characters, this was just one of a few other celebrities that would visit the show in this format; including: George W. Bush, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Don King, Bob Dole, and a few more.
Here are a few clips of these segments that some awesome Conan fans have uploaded to You Tube.
Bill Clinton visits Conan during Halloween 1994 in a Power Rangers costume to discuss the 1994 elections:
Bill Clinton stops by during the 1996 Presidential Election to talk about Bob Dole(who also makes an appearance):
The ever-so-horny Bill Clinton hits on an attractive audience member:
Clinton visits during the Monica Lewinsky scandal and brings along John Travolta with him: