Surprising No One, The GOP Scrambles to Cast Doubt Over Positive January Jobs Report
Is your January Jobs Report Glass half full or half empty?
Is your January Jobs Report Glass half full or half empty?
Jimmy Fallon: “Hey, you guys know there was another Republican debate on Saturday, and listen to this. Ron Paul only got 89 seconds to speak. Seriously? Rick Perry gets more time than that to try to remember something.”
Newt is up in the polls, his secretary.
Warning: This video is painful to watch…
Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich is experiencing a mini-surge in November.
Conan O’Brien: “Herman Cain’s fourth female accuser held a news conference today where she claimed Herman Cain offered her a job in exchange for sexual favors. Now say what you want about the guy. At least he has a plan to put people back to work.”
Rick Perry has derailed.
The third agency of government I would — I would do away with Education, the — >> Commerce…Commerce and, let’s see. I can’t. The third one, I can’t. Sorry. Oops.