Herman Cain Tax Rally in DC Only Attracts Dozens of People – Half of Which Were There for the Freak Show
Herman Cain hosted a supposed “Tax Rally” in Washington, DC today to much fanfare.
Herman Cain hosted a supposed “Tax Rally” in Washington, DC today to much fanfare.
Warning: This video is painful to watch…
Remember kids, if you question a politician about his shady perverted past: You are a racist.
Stephen Colbert: “I will get right to the big news. Herman Cain is under attack. … Of course, when you’re top in the polls, the media digs through your past. It’s not fun but it beats being John Huntsman. No one’s even digging through his present.”
This week President Obama is going to be a guest on ‘The Tonight Show’ with Jay Leno. I’m surprised. Because his popularity is at an all-time low. And there are people in the streets marching against him. So it’s nice of President Obama to help him out.
Jon Stewart: “But of course Romney is the front-runner. Here he is defending Romneycare, which, as you know, is identical to, but in no way has anything to do with Obamacare. … So to…
Stephen Colbert covers Herman Cain’s 9-9-9 tax plan and his back tracking on recent comments he made proposing an electric fence across the U.S.-Mexico border. Colbert Super PAC Website
GOP Presidential Nominee Herman Cain Cartoons / Comics