Jon Stewart on the Republican War on Women
The Republican War on Women is actual legislation around the country which targets women.
The Republican War on Women is actual legislation around the country which targets women.
Jon Stewart gives the run-down along with the turmoil over the selective editing of the George Zimmerman 911 call
Jay Leno: “I read today, the earth’s population is now well past seven billion people … seven billion. And still, the Republicans can’t find one candidate they really like.”
In case you missed it, Sarah Palin was invited to co-host the Today Show on Tuesday, April 3rd.
I make my living watching Fox News three hours a day. I’m already in hell. – Jon Stewart
Conan O’Brien: “It’s Super Tuesday; it’s going to be followed, tomorrow, by Oh, S— Now We’re Really Stuck With Romney Wednesday.”
Leeroy Jenkins pops up and crashes the party
Just in case you aren’t tired of this story yet, here is Jon Stewart’s blunt take on Rush Limbaugh’s comments towards Sandra Fluke.