Conan O’Brien and Andy Richter Bid Farewell to Newt and Calista Gingrich
Farewell sweet large headed prince.
Farewell sweet large headed prince.
Jimmy Fallon: “Here is some election news. Today, Joe Biden launched a new Twitter account to give supporters updates from the campaign trails, like his most recent update, ‘They still won’t let me go on the campaign trail.'”
Jay Leno: “Actually, despite Mitt Romney’s 14-point lead nationwide, Rick Santorum is projected to win Louisiana’s primary tomorrow. Even worse for Mitt? Listen to this; the Saints have put a bounty out on him.”
Mitt Romney’s top aide told CNN, when asked if Romney’s far right positions would hurt him in the general election, that the race was like an Etch-A-Sketch that could be reset, as needed.
David Letterman: “Rick Santorum said he’s not worried about unemployment. Well, he will be in November.”
Public Policy Polling has released results from their latest poll that show a majority of Republicans in Mississippi and Alabama believe that President Obama is a practicing Muslim.
Jimmy Fallon: “Today, Mitt Romney accused the other GOP candidates of pandering to voters to get support. Romney was like, ‘I would never pander to voters. I mean, unless you guys want me to.'”
Does the fun ever stop? The 2012 GOP primary race has been one of the most interesting to date.