Political Cartoons on Budget Crisis 2011: Government Shutdown Scare
Budget deal boosts Obama’s standing, applauded by Democrats and Independents – CNN Poll
A CNN/Opinion Research Poll shows some good signs for the Obama Administration in its handling of the recent government shutdown scare. Republicans pushed for policy riders such as: defunding of Planned Parenthood, NPR, PBS, and…
Joe “Douche Canoe” Scarborough declares that you are elitist for criticizing Donald Trump because Reagan…herp derp…
Joe Scarborough crawled out of Zombie Reagan’s asshole long enough to pen this Politico opinion piece. After eight paragraphs of sucking Reagan dick he gets around to mentioning Donald Trump. The disconnect between Washington’s…
Former Reagan Budget Director of Trickle Down Fame Ridicules Paul Ryan Budget
Talking Points Memo reports on various conservative economist’s responses to Paul Ryan’s recent budget proposal. Overall the consensus is very poor and some go as far as to ridicule it. David Stockman, former director of…